Edwards studied at St. Martin’s School
of Art and Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
Her paintings are an emotional response to nature and the exploration of colour.
She records disparate elements in the landscape, the shape, contour and patterns,
and faced with the canvas the physicality of the paint takes over. She applies
the paint with a palette knife and plays and shapes the surface creating chaos
then some sort of order, always a tension between the verticals and horizontals.
Having worked for several years with her sister Jane, she has found a visual
language with the medium of fused glass where she can express herself by using
the rich luminescence of the coloured glass.
She has an affinity with the landscapes of Herefordshire with its rolling hills
and pink earth, the vast untamed vista of Northumberland and the expansive panorama
of Hertfordshire where she lives and works.
Her artist influences are Terry Frost, Howard Hodgkins and Barbara Rae
for their intense use of colour. Ben Nicholson and Nicholas de Stael for their
Katharine has exhibited widely and her work is in private collections in the
UK, Europe, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong including The Contemporary
Art Society for Wales.
Katharine's CV |